tP comments dashboard

Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given. Updated weekly.

[This page was last updated on 2022-04-15 @22:30]

1. CHON.. WEI @warrencxw (154 comments)

2. MUSF..AHIM @Musfirahe0556596 (112 comments)

3. THA .. LIM @jltha (95 comments)

4. SEAH.. HAN @khseah (91 comments)

5. LOW ..ALAN @alanlowzies (79 comments)

6. ROY ..LONG @froststein (68 comments)

7. MU C..GRUI @Ch40gRv1-Mu (68 comments)

8. TAN ..IVAN @ivanaitzliddat (56 comments)

9. SAUR..ERIL @matheril (52 comments)

10. HAR ..ARYL @darylhjd (47 comments)

11. LI, ..NDAN @wli-linda (43 comments)

12. BANG.. KIT @heekit73098 (39 comments)

13. HO W..SEAN @SeanHoWB (37 comments)

14. TEAN.. JUN @teanweijun (36 comments)

15. CHOO.. KAI @chooyikai (34 comments)

16. WAN ..HENG @1szheng (33 comments)

17. CHUA.. HAO @yuhaochua (31 comments)

18. NG Y..HENG @ngys117 (29 comments)

19. FLOR..EIRA @wraineflores (26 comments)

20. SYED..ASAN @OzairHasan (25 comments)

21. BAI .. YAO @shunyao643 (25 comments)

22. WANG..XUAN @BotBw (24 comments)

23. NG Z..NDON @glendonnotglen (22 comments)

24. MOHA..ARIF @shxr3f (21 comments)

25. BRAD.. REN @BradenTeo (21 comments)

26. MATH..DRAN @mathanmahe (19 comments)

27. TAN ..HIEN @YitHien (18 comments)

28. HUAN..FENG @a1021492980 (16 comments)

29. LIM .. RUI @limjierui (14 comments)

30. YANG..IKUN @Yzkkk (13 comments)

31. WANG..ILIN @hlwang56 (12 comments)

32. ZHOU..U QI @cczhouqi (11 comments)

33. LIM .. HAN @Lim-Shi-Han (11 comments)

34. NG Y..HONG @yuzhongng (11 comments)

35. HUNG..ARYL @thedarie (10 comments)

36. SIM ..MILY @emilysim00 (10 comments)

37. TEO ..RONG @tjiarong (9 comments)

38. MCMO..GLAS @johnmcmonigle (8 comments)

39. BATE..OBIA @danbaterisna (8 comments)

40. TOH .. JIE @yanjie1017 (7 comments)

41. TAN ..I LI @tanweili (7 comments)

42. TAI ..IANG @kktai1512 (7 comments)

43. LEST.. JUN @lestersimjj (6 comments)

44. WANG..YING @Nineves (5 comments)

45. BRYA..PHER @Bryan-BC (5 comments)

46. KANG..HERN @IncompetentDev (4 comments)

47. LIU ..NRAN @striris (4 comments)

48. JUST..IREN @mafpovbul (4 comments)

49. TANG..ANKE @FTang21 (4 comments)

50. NG J..WARD @Nnythingy (4 comments)

51. ISAA..ZILE @laiisaac (4 comments)

52. HANS.. WEI @HansHengGit (4 comments)

53. ANVI..ARAM @Anvitha-r (3 comments)

54. YAN ..ANAI @TianaiYan (3 comments)

55. ZHOU..NGXU @Demonshaha (2 comments)

56. ANG ..MING @angyongming (2 comments)

57. WAN ..AXIN @YaxinJoy (2 comments)

58. REN ..ANLE @lelerer (2 comments)

59. SIEW.. ZHI @siewyangzhi (1 comments)

60. IBRA..ARUL @ibrahimisramos (1 comments)

61. JASP..-EAN @quitejasper (1 comments)

62. HOE ..EONG @hjunleon (1 comments)

63. HAFI..TIAZ @aiman-imtiaz (0 comments)

64. HO C..YING @chihyingho (0 comments)

65. LI H.. HAO @lihao-InfoSec (0 comments)

66. ONG ..ICIA @FaliciaOng (0 comments)

67. SETH.. KAI @sethlxk (0 comments)

68. WANG..TENG @ElaineQT (0 comments)

69. ZHAO..QING @z0723-julie (0 comments)

70. WANG..IYAN @wang1351 (0 comments)

71. DEMI.. EGE @edemirkirkan (0 comments)

72. BREN.. JIE @bbawj (0 comments)

73. KHOO..SHUA @suenalaba (0 comments)

74. TIMO..UEN @timchang27 (0 comments)

75. ZENG..UNYI @XunyiiZ (0 comments)

76. XIA ..ANYI @DolphXty (0 comments)

77. WESL..ANTO @cristoforows (0 comments)

78. JOHN..JONO @johnsuharjono (0 comments)

79. LI X..INYI @LI-XINYI1 (0 comments)

80. NGUY..TUAN @tuan0369 (0 comments)

81. LIM .. YIN @Shyunyin (0 comments)